I recently received my PhD in Computer Science from Drexel University and am currently working as a research scientist in Los Angeles. I am passionate about using neuroscience knowledge to advance artificial intelligence, and vice versa. My research interests span biologically inspired machine learning, generative AI, computer vision, computational neuroscience, cognitive science, and neuromorphic computing.
PhD in Computer Science (2024), Drexel University
Thesis: "Learning from the Brain: Leveraging Biology for Robust and Efficient Machine Intelligence"
Advisor: Dr. Edward Kim
MS in Computer Science (2021), Drexel University
BS in Neuroscience (2019), Villanova University
J. Rego, Y. Watkins, G. T. Kenyon, E. Kim, M. Teti. "A novel model of the primary visual cortex using biologically plausible sparse coding", Applications of Machine Learning. SPIE: Applications of Machine Learning, 2023.
S. V. Dibbo, S. Mansingh, J. Rego, G. T. Kenyon, J. Moore, M. Teti. "How can neuroscience help us build more robust deep neural networks?", ICML 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning, 2023.
S. Nesbit, A. O’Brien, J. Rego, G. Parpart, C. Gonzalez, G. T. Kenyon, E. Kim, T. C. Stewart and Y. Watkins. “Think Fast: Time Control in Varying Paradigms of Spiking Neural Networks”, International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS) 2022.
G. Parpart, C. Gonzalez, T. C. Stewart, E. Kim, J. Rego, A. O’Brien, S. Nesbit, G. T. Kenyon and Y. Watkins. “Dictionary Learning with Accumulator Neurons”, International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS) 2022.
E. Kim, M. Daniali, J. Rego, G.T. Kenyon. “The Selectivity and Competition of the Mind’s Eye in Visual Perception“, arXiv preprint arXiv: 2011.11167, 2021.
J. Carter, J. Rego, D. Schwartz, V. Bhandawat, E. Kim, “Learning Spiking Neural Network Models of Drosophila Olfaction“, International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS) 2020.
E. Kim, J. Rego, Y. Watkins, G. T. Kenyon. “Modeling Biological Immunity to Adversarial Examples”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.
Intelligent Systems Lab, HRL Laboratories (Scientist III, 2022-present)
Computer and Computational Division (CCS-3), Los Alamos National Laboratory
Spiking and Recurrent Software (SPARSE) Coding Lab, Drexel University
Word Recognition and Auditory Perception Lab, Villanova University
Temporal Perception Lab, Villanova University
Dean's Student Leadership and Service Award
Drexel University College of Computing and Informatics, 2023
Information Science and Technology Institute (ISTI) Student Fellow
Los Alamos National Lab, Summer 2021
Doctoral Student Association (Vice President), Drexel University College of Computing and Informatics
Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Honor Society for Computing and Information Disciplines, Drexel University
Board of Academic Integrity, Villanova University
Psi Chi, Psychology and Neuroscience Honors Society, Villanova University